GSWP 85 – Players who cannot attend Round 1 of schools trials

Dear All;

We are aware that there are Gauteng Club Cup Games scheduled for the 15th of March which affects school going ladies which also plays for a club side.

The affected players are to please enter normally but they should indicate on their form that they will miss the first round of trials due to their cup game.

These players will then be automatically included in the next round. The same applies to players who are away on schools tours as well as injured players.

These players however need to enter normally and present a letter form the schools headmaster, in case of tours, or a letter from a doctor, in case of injury, at the next round of trials.

Yours in polo
Mr. Marius Buys
Chairperson Gauteng Schools Water Polo
12 February 2009
076 800 6983