GSWP 46 – Introduction to waterpoloplanet & waterpolosa

To all concerned,

It is my pleasure to introduce you to

The site is an excellent, independent, Water polo centered, website in the USA who have very kindly allowed us to set up a message board / discussion forum at their site.

The site can be accessed by going to

Once there, click on 'Message Board' in the header and then go to 'South Africa Water Polo' in the international section.

A couple of pointers:
• Should you wish to actively participate in any discussion you need to register with WPP and be logged in. There is no financial charge and the process takes just a few minutes at most.
• Security at this site is excellent
• You'll see that although tempers sometimes do get a bit frayed, antagonists do try to be respectful of each other's pont of view.
• The site is well moderated so anybody that does get out of hand is asked to keep themselves in check. Should they continue in the same vein, further action is taken...
• As usual bad explicit bad language is a no-no.
The objective of setting up this message board is to widen communications between all interested parties when it comes to Water polo in South Africa.

You will be able to ACTIVELY participate in discussion about the sport. It is there for us to air some of the excellent initiatives that are being undertaken, and also to question some of the weird things that are happening.

As important you can post school / club / tournament results here and disseminate information to a range of people very, very quickly.

WPP is not only a message board. They have an excellent range of water polo related articles about the sport from an excellent range of contributors, including Terry Schroeder, (current USA Men’s coach), Guy Baker (current US Women's coach) and numerous others for those interested in coaching, refereeing or just getting to know the game.

I will be remiss of me to mention a great local website which will host the upcoming SA Schools tournament called

The site can be found on

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Mr. Noel Dent for the above initiative. He will also be hosting the discussion forums on the site.

Yours in polo

Marius Buys
14 June 2008