GSWP 62 - SSA Programmes, Dates & Rules for National Competitions 2008/9


These rules will apply to the following competitions:

1) SA Schools 07th to 10th December 2008 - East London

2) Kramer Tournament 11th to 14th December 2008 - East London

3) SASSU 27th to 30th November 2008 - Pretoria

4) Nationals Water Polo 03rd to 05th April 2009 - Durban

5) Water Polo League -

LEG 1- Date:..………...../Venue:……...

LEG 2- Date……………./Venue………

LEG 3- Date:…………..../Venue:…….. (Dates / Venues: TBC)

The general rules listed below shall apply to all affiliates of SSA.

Affiliates must inform SSA head office of their structures and their Water Polo calendar for the season.


1) FINA rules will apply to all National Competitions unless otherwise stated on the specific tournament rules below

2) South Africa participants must be registered with SSA. Non-registered participants and their Affiliate/Club will be fined R 500.00 each, which will be payable immediately. In addition they will have to pay the annual registration fee before they can compete.

3) Visiting teams must provide a clearance letter from their National Federation to compete in the event.

4) Technical Officials

a. All Technical Officials must be correctly attired, requirements are stated below :

b. Referee – Each team is to travel with a minimum of one SSA accredited/registered referee. If the team does not have one they will be charged R 1000.00 per team. This money will contribute to the expenses incurred in appointing a SSA referee. Referees are expected to attend all meetings and participate for the full duration of the event .The Referees are independent from their clubs. The Referee cannot serve as Manager or Coach at the tournament. Correct attire is long white pants, white shoes, white shirt or tournament shirt, and white hat or tournament hat.

c. Table Officials –
All table officials are to be SSA registered.
They are expected to fulfill their duties to the best of their ability and with honesty and integrity. Correct attire – collared shirt/tournament shirt, smart pants, and closed shoes.

d. Manager -
Each team is to travel with a manager to ensure the team is well managed, organized and informed of tournament proceedings.
All team 2 managers must attend the Manager’s Meeting and any necessary meeting that might be called.
The coach may fulfill this role.
Correct attire is collared shirt, smart long pants, and closed shoes.
Team officials must wear the same clothing.

e. Coaches –
Coaches are expected to display good sportsmanship’s towards competitors and officials.
Correct attire is collared shirt, smart long pants, and closed shoes.
Team officials must wear the same clothing.

f. Conduct- Should a Manager/Coach display poor conduct that includes the use of foul or derogatory language even towards his/her own players, irrespective whether the referee witnesses the incident or not ,this member will be required to appear before the disciplinary committee.

5) Team Entries All team entries must be submitted to SSA Competitions Manager, by the Affiliate Secretary, by closing date that will be stipulated:

a. Intention to compete – closing date is 3 months prior to first day of competition.

b. Confirmation to compete – closing date is 2 months prior to first day of competition and must to accompanied with payment.

c. Final team list – closing date is 4 weeks prior to first day of competition. Accompanying this list must be an ID photo of each team member. Photo’s are to be taken with a white back ground and can be submitted in digital format.

6) If teams withdraw after the closing date (point 5.b.). Their entry fee will not be refunded and a further fine of R 500.00 will be imposed.

7) Team Composition minimum requirements:

a. 13 players • Each team must field 2 black players (2008) and 3>4 black players (2009). • There must be at least 1 black player in the pool for the full duration of the game. Teams that do not comply will result in their entry being withdrawn.
b. 1 coach
c. 1 manager - 1 member of the management must be black (2008).
d. Minimum of 1 referee.
e. Minimum of 1 table official (unless these Officials are provided by the Hosts).

8) Only accredited managers may:
a. Lodge objections
b. Lodge protest. A written protest accompanied by R100.00 must be lodged with the Tournament Director within 1 hour of the objection.

9) In the case of a protest, the decision of the Tournament Director and the SSA appointed committee would be final.

10) If participating teams cause a delay in the starting of their game, they will be fined R 500.00

11) Team transformation must be met as per SSA Transformation Committee stipulation, unless otherwise stipulated in tournament rules.

12) Players are to wear the same cap number for the duration of the tournament. This consistency is necessary for our Selection Committee to fulfill their duties correctly and to produce accurate stats.

13) Ceremonies:
a. Opening Ceremony – Managers should instruct athletes on respectful behavior during the performing of the National Anthem and Opening Speeches.
b. Medal Ceremony – Athletes must present themselves in good time and correctly attired.
c. Only medal winners are allowed to be on the medal podium during medal presentations.

14) All tournaments should recognize the following achievements as a minimum:
a. Best Goal Keepers – men and women.
b. Best Players – men and women.
c. Most Promising Players – men and women.
d. Referee of the Tournament.
e. Most Improved Referee.

Kramer National Inter –Club Tournament

1) This tournament that will be played in sections based on team strength, previous results and current provincial league standings.

2) Team entry fee will be R 3000.00 and entries will fit into the following sections:

a. Men A Section – maximum of 6 teams
b. Men B Section – maximum of 8 teams
c. Women A Section – maximum of 6 teams
d. Women B Section – maximum of 8 teams

3) Promotion and Relegation Rule - The winning team of the B section may gain promotion into the A section by playing a promotion relegation match against the last team of the section

A. This match should be played as the curtain raiser to the Final match of the section
A. The winning team will be promoted to the A section and loosing team of the A section will be relegated to B section for the same tournament in the following year .

If a Province believes that their team is A section strength, they will be given automatic entry into A section until the A section has 8 teams Written motivation needs to accompany the team entry form.

If the A section is full (8 teams), teams will have to come in at B section. Teams will be accepted from the Affiliates in the A or B sections, however the number of teams entered will dictate the structure of the tournament.

4) Closing date for entries : 14 November 2008 4

Telkom SA National Aquatic Championship


1) This is a Provincial tournament that will be played in sections based on team strength and previous results

2) Team entry fee will be R 3000.00 and entries will fit into the following sections: a. Men A Section – maximum of 8 teams b. Men B Section – every province to submit B section side c. Women A Section – maximum of 8 teams d. Women B Section – every province to submit B section side

3) Promotion and Relegation Rule - The winning team of the B section may gain promotion into the A section by playing a promotion relegation match against the last team of section
A .This match should be played as the curtain raiser to the final match of section
A .The winning team will be promoted to the A section and loosing team of the A section will be relegated to B section for the same tournament in the following year.

If a Province believes that their team is A section strength, they will be given automatic entry into A section until the A section has 8 teams. Written motivation needs to accompany the team entry form.

If the A section is full (8 teams), teams will have to come in at B section. Teams will be accepted from Affiliates in the A or B sections, however the number of teams entered will dictate the structure of the tournament.

4) Closing date for entries : 3 February 2009

SA Universities (SASSU)

1) This event is run and owned by South African Student Sports Union (SASSU).

2) SSA contributes to the technical running of the water polo section, therefore the above rules apply except: Rule 5 – team entries are to be submitted to SASSU offices.

3) All teams representing South Africa will be sanctioned by Swimming South Africa.

SA Schools

1) This event is run by S.A Schools with the assistance of SSA.

2) SSA contributes to the technical running of the water polo tournament, therefore the above rules Apply except: Rule 5 – team entries are to be submitted to S.A. Schools.

3) Registration; All players that participate in this tournament shall be registered with SSA at a fee of R 35.00. These registrations shall be submitted on a spreadsheet and include D O B ; Gender; School; Province and Race. These registrations and payment thereof must be submitted to SSA two weeks before the start of the tournament.

4) Invitation to Schools outside South Africa will be done through SSA.

5) All teams representing South Africa will be sanctioned by Swimming South Africa.

National Water Polo League:

1) The league will be played over 3 legs :

Leg 1: Date……………………….. Venue…………………… Host………………………. .(TBC)
Leg 2: Date……………………….. Venue…………………… Host……………………….. (TBC)
Leg 3: Date……………………….. Venue…………………… Host……………………….. (TBC)

2) Teams will be accepted from the Affiliates in the A or B sections, however the number of teams will dictate the structure of the Tournament.

3) The transformation policy as stipulated by SSA shall apply.

4) The Affiliates that wish to host a leg of this League will follow the Bid Process.

Appointment of Tournament Director and LOC:

1) The technical committee in conjunction with the Executive and the Affiliate shall appoint a Tournament Director.

2) The Affiliate and the Tournament Director shall appoint the LOC.

3) The tournament director will send monthly reports to the Technical Committee.

4) A detailed tournament report shall be presented to the Technical Committee at least 2 weeks after the tournament .

5) The Tournament Director must liase with the Technical Committee w.r.t all aspects of the tournament.

Meetings at Tournaments:

1) Managers/ Coaches Meeting: This briefing meeting must be held before the tournament.

2) Referees Meeting :
This meeting must be held after the briefing of Managers/ Coaches Meeting.
The appointed Delegate to the Tournament will chair this meeting.

3) De –briefing Meeting:
This meeting must be held immediately after the tournament.
Officials that cannot attend may submit their recommendations to the Tournament Director at least 7days after the tournament.

JOHN MOODLEY Swimming South Africa 011 4042480/ 0832329171

Yours in polo
Marius Buys
14 October 2008