To all interested parties, the agreed to and released minutes of the SWPSA meeting.
Minutes of the Meeting
Held on 29th February 2008
The notice was taken as read.
(It was noted that the meeting had originally been scheduled to take place during the SWPSA U19 tournament, but due to the cancellation of the tournament the date was moved to the 29th February due to the numerous tournaments being held in Johannesburg.)
Chairperson - Steve La Marque
Border (BOR) - Graham Creese
Border - Charl Wessels
Eastern Province (EP) - Haydn Skinner
Eastern Gauteng - Rob Ambler
Gauteng - Marius Buys
KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) - Graeme Waters
Western Province (WP) -Doug Schooling
Western Province - Murray Van Heerden
Swim SA - John Moodley
Secretary - Sandy La Marque
The attendance register is attached to the file copy of these minutes.
Dale McGregor
Wayne Rathbone
Nona Keet
Rob Lodge
Mike Collington
4. Minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2007 were CONFIRMED and SIGNED with the following amendments:
Point 7:
Mr Buys reported that discussions where in progress with FNB regarding Water polo Classic Clashes.
Point 8:
It was suggested by Mr Buys that further investigation was warranted and it was an avenue to explore.
5. Matters Arising
Point 1: SA Schools U19
Concern was raised that the correct procedures had been followed in order to move the tournament earlier, this was agreed upon in December at the GM and thereafter concerns where raised by Provinces. A request was made that Provinces should ensure that their constituency’s are caucused and informed on matters arising.
Due to the cancellation of the tournament any previous agreement wrt to the tournament being held in March 2008 are no longer applicable.
Point 2: Selectors
The post meeting note was referred to.
The Chairman’s report was tabled.
During the report and interactive discussion took place on points and agreements where reached as follows:
a. BOE
Mr Schooling reported that a debriefing and forward planning meeting would be held with BOE on 10 March 2008.
It was AGREED that:
• The tournament organiser – Mr Wessels be introduced to the BOE team wrt further arrangements for the 2008 tournament
• The sponsorship was value adding and a benefit to water polo
b. 2007 Tournament
“Lotz” Incident
An apology was received from Gauteng, Mr Buys.
It was noted that there had been some media reports which had put the 2007 Tournament in a negative light at the time. However it was also reported that further media debate on the matter had led to constructive interactive discussions in the Cape Town media.
Black players
It was confirmed and AGREED that:
• If a team does not comply with the entry criteria they will not be able to participate in the respective tournament.
Tri Nations
The council recorded its disappointment of the non participation of New Zealand and Australia.
It was AGREED that:
• Look at possible contractual agreements
• International games are the pinnacle of the tournament and a player achievement
Alcohol abuse
It was AGREED that:
• Strong actions must be taken by provinces
• It should be recommended that educators are appointed with coaches
• A code of conduct should govern both pupils, coaches and staff during tournaments
Lack of Resolve
It was AGREED that:
• Provinces should respect and abide by the constitution, tournament rules and criteria and decisions of SWPSA
c. Swim SA (SSA)
It was DISCUSSED that:
• Water polo affairs MUST be represented by persons of water polo
• The nomination and selection process of representatives should be questioned
• The representation of schools should be increased as schools represent 000’s of players as opposed to clubs
o Eg. The SWPSA tournament alone had more than 1000 pupils participating
• SSA must have at least one representative from SWPSA
• The TC (technical committee) must have at least 2 representatives from SWPSA
• The various structures give schools more recognition as schools are the key to development, little or no development takes place at club level
• A request should be made to SSA to explain the channels and dissemination of communication
• The relationship with SSA should be embraced however it is important that concerns are addressed and questions answered
and AGREED that:
• SSA should provide the procedures for election etc. of representatives to SWPSA
• SSA should provide the composition of the structure
• SSA should provide SWPSA with an organogram
• Splash polo should be supported and implemented
• The chairperson of the TC should attend SWPSA agm’s
• A proposal will be formulated by Marius Buys and Doug Schooling and presented to SSA wrt the discussion above.
• A copy of SSA’s Business plan be made available to SWPSA including the Income and Expenditure statements
Acceptance of the Chairman’s report was proposed by Mr Doug Schooling and seconded by Mr Marius Buys.
The Chairperson opened the point by reporting that when SWPSA joined USSASA an amount of approximately R45 000 was paid over to them and the SWPSA account was closed. On request on the status of these funds the Chairperson was informed that very little funds where available as they had been used for eg. Travelling and subsistence to water polo tournaments etc. at the time.
Mr Doug Schooling reported that SWPSA do not currently have their own bank account. The SWPSA funds raised during the SASWP tournament 2007 had been managed by WP however accounted for separately in their financials. The financial report was presented as follows:
It was AGREED that:
• A bank account should be opened
• 2 signatories must sign
• No 2 signatories must be in 1 province
The report was Proposed by Mr Steve La Marque and seconded by Mr Marius Buys.
8.1 Chairperson
Mr Murray Van Heerden called for nominations for Chairperson.
Mr Steve La Marque was Unanimously re-elected.
8.2 Treasurer
Mr Doug Schooling was Unanimously re-elected.
8.3 Secretary
Mrs Sandy La Marque was Unanimously elected.
8.4 Technical committee
It was AGREED that a nominated member from each Province comprised the TC.
8.5 Vice Chairperson
It was AGREED that a vice-chairperson girls and boys should be elected.
Vice-chairperson Girls, Mrs Nona Keet was Unanimously elected.
Vice- chairperson Boys, Mr Marius Buys was Unanimously elected.
8.6 Awarding of meritorious service awards
No nominations where received.
It was NOTED that the following persons had been awarded meritorious service awards and had not yet received their blue blazers with the SSA badge and Meritorious service embroidered below the pocket:
Ian Melliar
Brian Jennings
Brad Rowe
Neil Malherbe
Brian Webster
Steve La Marque
It was AGREED that:
• The treasurer should purchase the blazers
• The blazers should be handed out at appropriate functions to honour these persons
8.7 Awarding of honorary life membership
No nominations where received.
8.8 Election of SA Schools Selectors
It was AGREED that this would be done at the evening meeting prior to the SASWP 2008 commencing.
It was RECOMMENDED that:
SAU and Kramer follow the venues and dates that SWPSA agree upon as they are determined by the Dept of Education term closures. Numerous schools write exams on the last day of the school calendar and schools will not release staff of pupils earlier.
It was CONFIRMNED that the SASWP for 2008 will be held in East London as follows:
• Date: 7 – 10 December
• Start Time: 7am, Sunday 7 December
• End Time: no later than 2pm, Wednesday 10 December
• All provinces should leave on the Wednesday
• SAU could start at 3pm, Wednesday 10 December
• Selectors for the tournament will be confirmed at the AGM on 6 December
• Managers and coaches meeting will take place at 19:30 on 6 December 2008
IT was AGREED that:
• Team Quota’s will apply
• Teams not complying with the entry criteria will not be allowed to play at all
• “Black” players will mean – black, Indian and coloured
• The entry criteria for quotas will be as follows:
o U19 1 player
o U16 1 player
o U14 2 players
o U13 2 players
It was AGREED that the SWPSA tournament for 2009 should be held in Johannesburg.
5.1 Data Base
It was reported that as a matter of urgency a data base of ALL pupils playing water polo must be submitted to Swim SA via SWPSA. It was confirmed that there will be no charge to be registered on the data base (see minutes of the SSA meeting). It was noted that normal player registration for league, provincial tournaments etc. must be followed, this included payment.
It was AGREED that:
• A spreadsheet for completion by all schools will be circulated
• the completed spreadsheet must be submitted to the Chairperson SWPSA by 31 March 2008
5.2 Selections at SWPSA 2007
It was reported that as agreed an u16 squad of 40-45 players should have been selected at the 2007 tournament, however the u16 squad selection had not included players in the u19 section. It was envisaged that this squad would start with practices in preparation for future events which this age group will qualify for.
It was AGREED that:
• Only players who display a national standard and are currently in a starting 7 should be nominated
• The names must be submitted by the Provinces before 17 March 2008 to the Chairperson
5.3 Development
A proposal submitted by Dr Dale Mcgregor was discussed.
In principal it was AGREED that under no circumstances could the quota requirements be ignored. However it was felt that the proposal of development tournaments should be pursued.
It was felt that development should be a priority for all schools but that SSA and other bodies should also play a greater role and contribution in the success thereof.
It was AGREED that:
• The proposal to run development tournaments be discussed with Provincial Schools Swimming associations as this could be linked and run in conjunction with the satellite gala program
• Greater financial support was required for development programs
• That the workshop to discuss development in water polo is critically important and must be held sooner than later
• WP schools present their development program to the SSA workshop
• SWPSA representatives participate in the workshop
5.4 Referees
Concern was raised regarding the conduct of some of the referees who had participated at SASWP 2007 and the small number of referees being utilised in tournaments.
It was AGREED that:
• Referee development should be promoted
• More referees should be given opportunities to referee
• An accreditation system should be pursued
5.5 Coach/Manager behaviour
It was reported that numerous schools Heads are concerned about the coaches and managers behaviour and conduct pool side.
It was AGREED that:
• A code of conduct and bylaws should be drafted by Doug Schooling, Murray van Heerden and Marius Buys
• The draft should be circulated to all for input, on finalisation,
• The final document should be circulated and agreed upon by email for acceptance and immediate implementation
5.6 Expenses
It was noted that the Chairperson received no form of compensation for expenses incurred on behalf of SWPSA.
It was APPROVED that:
• An amount of R6000 will be paid at the beginning of office annually for expenses incurred
5.7 Communication
Mr Buys proposed that a website be utilised for communication purposes wrt to water polo matters.
After discussion it was AGREED that:
• The Swim SA website should host a water polo “page”
• The constitution, code of conduct and other water polo issues could be located on the site for information purposes
• Mr Marius Buys and John Moodley should set up discussions and pursue the possibilities available
It was AGREED that the next meeting will take place as follows:
• Date: 6 December 2007
• Venue: East London
• Time: 4:30 for 5pm – 7pm
There being no further matters the Chairperson thanked members for their attendance and participation, the meeting was closed.
Yours in polo
Marius Buys
21 May 2008