GSWP 51 – GSWP Practice squad arrangements

To all GSWP Tour Staff


a) NB. The team manager must make sure that he/she has the sms detail of all players in the
squad in event of an emergency. The information can be obtained from the Vice chairpersons
who should be in possession of the trial forms or directly from the players themselves.

b) Normal communication is via email or letter if there is enough advance warning.

c) Please make sure you also post all your results, practice details and organisation details on the
(administered by Grant Ramsey cell: 074 192 4373 or email:

(administered by Fiona Cullen cell: 072 515 5817 or email:;)


a) Please have enough balls which are properly pumped.

b) If one coach cannot make it the other coach must take the practice. In general both coaches are
required to be there.

c) There will be a minimum of one practice per week during June, July, August and September and two
practices per week in October and November. Practices should be two hours or longer. If it doesn’t
make sense to have a practice you must try to make the practice up at another time.

d) Please note that may ask your squad to pay slightly more than R75 per month toward pool hire,
coaches’ cell and travel remuneration if you cannot make ends meet.(not more than R100 please)
Managers should please just be able to give account of where the funds were spent if asked and
should keep written records.

e) Coaches must avoid doing pure fitness work alone and should make at least half of their practice
match play related.

f) The decision regarding the quantum of players selected at the moment has not yet been finalized as
I am waiting for more input from the role players. So far there is two replies in support and two
replies against the suggestion of selecting more players than the final team.


a) It is the responsibility of each coach to make sure that his/her teams quota requirements are met as
the team can not be entered without the full quota requirement. A list of schools can be requested
from Marius buys at cell:076 800 6983
or be obtained from the website

b) Quota players can be sourced from schools or from the Soweto swimming club and it is crucial to
ensure that we develop water polo in this area. I realize that this may mean extra effort from coaches
but if we do not do this we fall further and further behind in the process.

c) The recent parliamentary decision to include Chinese in the so called “Black” classification must be
taken cognissence of but managers must be aware that SSA has not officially incorporated said into
the SWPSA tournament quota recommendation.

Yours in polo

Marius Buys
8 July 2008