GSWP 25 – SA Schools AGM 2008 - Feedback

Feedback of important matters covered in the SA Schools Water polo AGM which was held at KES VII School on the 28th of February 2008.

1) The date and venue for the 2008 SA Schools Inter Provincial Tournament has been set for 7,8,9,10 December 2008 in East London.

a. The chairpersons meeting is provisionally set for 5pm -7pm on 6 December 2008
b. The first game on 7 December will start at 7am.
c. Final matches will take place on 10 December and the medal ceremony for each age group will be held directly after each match.
d. Tournament teams and players of the tournament will be announced after the last final of the day.
e. The last game should be finished by 2.30pm
f. The medal ceremony should be finished by 3pm
g. Further details will be made available courtesy of the Waterpolosa website closer to the time. The adress is
h. The tournament director is Mr. Charl Wessels and can be contacted through your provincial schools chairperson or organising committee.
i. The pools in use will be the: i) Joan Harrison Aquatic centre ii) Selborene College iii) Sterling High School iv) Port Rex High School
j. The quota for Black, Colored and Indian players have been set at U19 – 1, U16 – 1, U14 – 2, U13 – 2
k. Teams who do not comply with the quota system will not be allowed to enter in the tournament.
l. All players in the tournament must be SwimSA registered which can be done through their province or club.

2) The venue for the 2009 SA Schools Inter Provincial tournament has been set for Gauteng.

3) The following SA Schools Office bearers have been elected into the SA Schools Executive:
a. Chairperson – Steve La Marque (KZN)
b. Vice-Chairperson(boys) – Marius Buys (Gauteng)
c. Vice-Chairperson(girls) – Nona Keet (Border)
d. Treasurer – Dough Schooling (Western Province)
e. Secretary – Sandy La Marque (KZN – non voting position)
f. Technical committee – All Chairpersons from each province

4) All schools are to register their players with SwimSA through their provincial school bodies at no charge. This will be to increase the funding allowance from SA Sport and Recreation as well as to improve communication and administration. Provincial players will be require to pay a nominal fee of about R35 per player for blanket registration to take part in the SA Schools Inter Provincial Tournament. This fee does not need to be paid if the player belongs to a club.

5) There is to be greater involvement and direction from the SA Schools Executive through their provincial bodies with regards to the conduct of water polo players and coaches.

6) The SA Water Polo Schools Executive is to look at improving communication through the SwimSA website.

7) Marius Buys is to look into up/down communication channels with SwimSA as well as the clarification and possible improvement of the current line of reporting organigram.

8) Dough Schooling is to draft a code of conduct for players and letter of appointment for coaches with input from the code and letters currently in use in Gauteng Schools.

9) John Moodley of SwimSA is to clarify the SwimSA Water Polo Technical Committee election procedure and nomination process.

Yours in polo

Marius Buys

cell: 076 800 6983
4 March 2008

Previous Communications for 2008:
(SC refers to Special Communication)

GSWP 25 SA Schools AGM at KESVII – feedback (04 Mar 2008)
GSWP SC5 Gauteng Proposed coaches & managers (03 Mar 2008)
GSWP SC4 Gauteng Trails Policy (20 Feb 2008)
GSWP SC3 Gauteng Coaches Appointment Policy (15 Feb 2008)
GSWP 24 Durban U19 Boys Trial results (28 Jan 2008)
GSWP SC2 Open letter of general mobilisation (17 Jan 2008)
GSWP 23 Open letter to SwimSA CEO Mr Sean Adrianse (11 Jan 2008)
GSWP 22 Quota player development (11 Jan 2008)
GSWP 21 Invitation to 2008 Provincial Schools Trials (10 Jan 2008)
GSWP 20 Call for provincial coaches and managers (10 Jan 2008)