Proposal of a Water Polo Schools Super League

Proposal of a Water Polo Schools Super League & SWOT analysis by Marius Buys (19/4/2009)

To establish a Televised Amateur Schools Super League for the top water polo playing schools in each province that is funded through sponsorship.

The clashes would be best suited to individual playoffs by each school in their normal fixture list within each province from where the top teams would then meet in a series televised tournaments to determine the eventual winners of the league.

Branding (Direct & Peripheral): The sponsors logo can be displayed in a highly visible manner such as on the players caps; referees & coaches shirts; goals; pool bottom; ball; shot clocks; benches; pop up banners; heart banners; flags; A Frame banners; post match interview wall; pennants and on the lane ropes.

Marketing: Marketing can be done either directly to the persons attending the tournament or via inserts or advertising.

Packaging is highly organic and could be done to suit the corporate image or needs of the sponsor such as interviews with players coaches and spectators, inserts on individuals or noteworthy development.


1) The direct target community consists of members who are of the sphere of the SA business community that constitute key role players in the countries economy as the sport is played in elite, LSM (Living Standard Measurement) 8 -10, schools as well as a strong emergence of the sport in developing communities. (“elite” schools cater for the full racial affluent section of the Country)

2) Water Polo is generally under- or self funded without having any brands attached to the sport as an anchor sponsorship as is the case with, for example, rugby and Coca Cola and swimming and Telkom.

3) Water Polo is the fastest growing female school sport in the country.

4) Schools can operate independently from their provincial governing bodies in terms of sponsorship signing.

5) Water Polo is one of the largest “Cinderella” codes of sport with over 6000 active school participants in the sport at any given time.

6) The traditional water polo season stretches over a longer period than most sports namely September to March. (A total of 6 months)

7) There is a bona fide hunger in the Water Polo community for the recognition of their sport via broadcasting and sponsorship.

8) The sport is fast paced and contained, which lends itself to good action photography.

9) Participant schools have generally good sport and general administration and can be relied upon to fulfill any criteria or responsibilities as requested by a festival organizing body.

10) Participant schools are adept at the timorous transport of its athletes to sporting venues.

11) Participant schools are adept at the uniform appearance of their athletes especially at first team level where he athletes are subject to hero worship from aspirant players.

12) Participant schools can be relied upon to not bring the sport or sponsor into disrepute due to good control measures being in place.

13) The type of television shot used is ideal for the positioning of branding and advertising material.

14) Participant schools will not act in a prescriptive manner, as there is a long list of schools who want to participate in the proposed events.

15) The exposure of the brand sits much deeper than the participants who are directly involved in the festival - the support pyramid consists of players and coaches at the apex , the friends, parents, teachers, players and aspirant players in the mid section and loyal past graduates of the participant schools.

16) A full professional production crew is in place with 2 underwater cameras, and an 8 HD camera OB unit for live events as well an experienced Water Polo Event Production crew who operate off 4 cameras and 1 under water camera.

17) 2 experienced bilingual commentators are available.

18) The sport is not affected by inclement weather and only lightning can delay filming or live broadcasts.


1) The coordination of the festivals would need to involve knowledgeable persons who have previously hosted water polo festivals which would need to be sourced and remunerated.

2) If the event is geared towards pre-packaging it is dependant on good weather and a fallback venue, a plan would need to be in place in case of said.

3) Initial setup cost and purchase of equipment would affect the first year’s budget before it could be reused for the hosting of the events in the following years.


1) The “adoption” of water polo by a major sponsor would significantly impact on the decision making process by the participant members who are in the age bracket when they would choose which brand to support in the long term. Brand loyalty comes at a rather inexpensive price to establish the sponsor their personal brand of choice.

2) In the macro scenario, the Sponsor would be seen as the savior of a sport that has for too long been treated below its potential. The effect of the above action would be far reaching in the role players of the water polo community and brand transfer is a definite possibility.

3) A vacuum exists in the absence of brand support for the sport, which, if filled, will affect significantly in the gratitude and recognition by a community that is starved and hungry for any form of recognition of the sport. A significant opportunity exists, because of where water polo is currently positioned, to establish the image and perception of the larger SA public that the sponsor has rescued the sport form “zero status” and propelled it into a fully-fledged, recognized and visibly celebrated sporting code.

4) The event can be structured off an organic base and has the potential for sponsor dictated growth.

5) The facility and venue lends itself to the erection of points of sale that will allow the on the ground activation of the brand.

6) There is a need for good, family driven, programme material with the advent of new emerging broadcasters.

7) The sport can easily be upgraded to previously unprecedented level because of previous lack of funding that will directly be ascribed to the good will of the sponsor.


1) Another sponsorship entity can step into the vacuum and with it the loss of an opportunity for brand activation, establishment and transfer.

2) Inclement weather can delay the shooting of a pre-packaged event and lightning can delay the broadcast of a live event.

Marius Buys
Cell: 076 800 6983