Dear All
Some information on the 2nd Training camp for the national squad.
Please forward this mail to as many water polo enthusiasts as possible.
Yours in polo
Mr. Marius Buys
Gauteng Schools Water Polo
9 February 2009
076 800 6983
05 February 2009
From: CEO
To: Affiliate Presidents Affiliates Secretaries
Cc: Members of Selection Committee Water Polo T C Members
RE: 2nd Water Polo Training Camp for Junior / Senior Men: Clifton School, Durban 27 February 2009 to 01 March 2009
Swimming South Africa wishes to extend an invitation to all male Water Polo Players from all Affiliates to attend a Water Polo Training Camp to be held on:
Date: 27, 28 February and 01 March 2009
Venue: Clifton School, Morningside Durban
Time: Schedule of Times to follow
The Water Polo Camp for both Senior Men and Junior Men will be co-coordinated by Mr. Vlado Trninic (CGA) and Mr. Pete Lavett (KZN).
The second Training Camp will be open to all SSA registered players allowing the selectors and coaches to have another opportunity to view all eligible players.
Please be advised that the arrangements for travel, accommodation and meals will be the responsibility of the players that attend the training camp.
Yours sincerely,
Shaun Adriaanse